In this fresh and original monograph on the ecclesiology of John Calvin, Tadataka Maruyama sifts exhaustively through the corpus of Calvin’s writings—in both Latin and French—to crystalize the French reformer’s conception of the Christian church. After elucidating Calvin’s influence from other reformers such as Jacques Lefèvre, Guillaume Farel, and Martin Bucer, Maruyama shows how Calvin’s ecclesiology evolved throughout his life while remaining firmly rooted in key principles and interests.
Maruyama discerns three phases in Calvin’s ecclesiology:
- Catholic ecclesiology—in which Calvin saw the church as a unified and ideal institution situated both above and within history
- Reformed ecclesiology—in which Calvin described the concrete, historical form of the Christian church over against the Catholic Church
- Reformation ecclesiology—in which Calvin came to understand the Christian church as an eschatological reality situated in a broader European context, which Calvin portrayed as the “theater of God’s providence”
This trajectory mirrors the way the Protestant Reformation was focused on reforming particular churches while also reimagining the Christian world as a whole. Indeed, as Maruyama thoroughly illustrates, Calvin never lost sight of his original vision of reforming the church of his French homeland even as his work grew into a much larger movement.
Table of Contents
1. Academic Formation and Catholic Ecclesiology
Section 1: Academic Formation
Section 2: From a “Sudden Conversion” to Exile in Basel
Section 3: The Writing of the First Institutes of the Christian Religion and the Formation of Catholic Ecclesiology
2. The Early Genevan Reformation and the Practice of the Catholic Ecclesiology
Section 1: Lefèvrianism and Evangelicalism in Farel
Section 2: Three Documents of the Genevan Church
Section 3: Practice of Catholic Ecclesiology
3. The Strasbourg Period and a Transition to New Ecclesiologies
Section 1: Bucer’s Strasbourg
Section 2: Bucer and Calvin
Section 3: The Second Institutes and the Romans Commentary
4. Reformed Ecclesiology and Reformation Ecclesiology
Section 1: Reformer of Geneva and Europe
Section 2: Reformed Ecclesiology
Section 3: Reformation Ecclesiology
Author:Tadataka Maruyama
Product Code:9780802881854